At the table with the typical cuisine of Romagna!
Our cuisine is particularly well prepared and every day we propose typical specialities from local cuisineYou can choose between the 3 proposals of the choice of menuevery day varied and tasty. All meals are served and accompanied by many vegetables and appetizers and complemented by a wide selection of homemade desserts prepared by the chef, ice cream and fresh fruit.
As always, we have a special focus on families with children.
At the disposal of parents we have a equipped kitchenavailable 24 hours a day for the preparation of mealsFor warming up baby bottles or preparing a snack for children.
We are always available to make you feel at home and to supporting the habits of the youngest!
Breakfast: a delicious awakening
A rich buffet awaits you at breakfast with sweets of all kinds, always fresh and prepared daily by our chef. You can enjoy doughnuts, croissants, tarts, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit and many other sweet delights...
Of course, there will also be a corner for savoury food, where you can choose between eggs, bacon, slices mixes and cheeses.
In addition, to accompany your breakfast, there will be various drinks including coffee, cappuccino, hot chocolate, tea, milk and fruit juices!
Lots of attention at the table
Our staff is always available to prepare alternative menus in case of food intolerances or other needs. We are always available to best satisfy your every request!
We like our cuisine because...
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